Sunday, October 30, 2011

2011 Cape to Cape - Stage 2

Stage 2 was a race from Hamelin Bay to Margaret River. It was just over 60km and after being not impressed with the choice of course in stage 1 I was looking for something a little more friendly. The race started with a fair bit of fire road and tar which was broken up with some cool single track sections that we were flying along. For this stage there was a group of around 6 or 7 of us that stayed together. While my average heart rate was 13 beats a minute lower in this stage I was more busted at the end of this stage. There were multiple times where I got caught up in the single track and needed to bridge back across to the lead riders. This did take its toll.
What hurt the most in this race was at the same moment that Pete Hatton attacked off the front around the 15km to go mark, I got a small stick wedged into my front brake pad. I had to take the front wheel completely off to get the thing out. By the time I got the wheel back on I wasn't expecting to catch the boys again. I was pretty destroyed when I did!
With 10km to go it was all fun and games with people attacking off the front one after another. I wasn’t playing any silly games as I was just trying to hold the back of anyone. In the end I rolled across the line in 5th with the main group. I'm not sure what the overall time breakup at this stage would be but I shouldn’t be too far off third overall.
With tonight being the invitational 1.5km Red Bull Shootout, Ill attend but will be looking at trying to save anything I have left for the next 2 days. This intensity stuff is killing me!

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